Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Shenyang Trip

Hi Everyone! Today Colette and I got up at 5.30 am to get on the 6.45am train to Shenyang. Today was my turn to buy the tickets (aka practice my chinese). Spot the skippy in the ticket queue!

The station wasn't too packed when we arrived and it quickly filled up. As the time the train was due to depart the crowd got a bit restless so when they finally opened the gates it was a bit of a stampede. Sydney peak hour has nothing on Tieling train station when the Shenyang train is due!

When we got to the platform there was no train in sight! After a few minutes a train pulled up and another stampede. I figured 'when in China' and barged my way to the front of the crowd and got on the train and quickly grabbed the first free seats I could. Colette was jostled about for a while before a kind (?) lady shoved her into the carriage.

This trip I managed two train boyfriends on the train trip in. Poor Colette didn't really have much luck today. We'll try again next time!

All I wanted to do was to try and exchange some shorts I bought a few weeks ago but it was too late and they had already changed all the stock over for the Autumn season. Guess someone in my family will score 2 pairs of nice shorts (expensive ones by Chinese standards!).

As soon as we got off the train we went to buy our return tickets - it's a trick Colette and Luz came up with that means you get an allocated seat for the train home - great!

We then went to Middle Street by taxi and it was my turn again to tell the driver where to take us. I got it right - two for two! Colette found some sneakers she liked straight away and for only 70 RMB. Bargain! Next stop was Kama Classics to try and exchange my shorts. No luck there but we noticed a lot of nice warm clothes in there. Maybe another trip will be in order after we have finalised our October trip to Beijing/Xian.

We then headed for the basement of the Shenyang Spring Store which is a great place to find interesting clothes and things. If you can haggle you can sometimes get some great bargains. I always wish I was much smaller when I go there as most of the women's clothes are quite small. As are the shoes! The Chinese idea of big feet in women is about a size 7.5 or 8!

I found a great top in there though. So of course I had to buy it - it fit me!

After all that shopping we had a chocolate shake and a sit down in McDonalds. Then a bit more of a wander before we headed back to Shenyang North Station for the train trip home.


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