Sunday, October 22, 2006

Shenyang 2006 Dead Flower Exposition

Jerry had bought tickets for the Shenyang Horticultural Exposition and had been talking about taking us there since I arrived. He tried to take us to see it on a day when it was pouring with rain and didn't really try very hard after that because of the building works at the school.

Colette, Luz and I took ourselves off to see it when it had 2 weeks left to run.

So here are some pictures of us enjoying the dead flowers.

There were gardens built for all different regions and some other countries.

This is a wall in the Urumqi garden.

They had turned all of the fountains and water features off by the time we arrived. I really enjoyed this stream in the Nanjing Garden...

This is Luz in the hall of 100 flowers... I think it was the hall of 38 flowers by the time we arrived...

They did have some rather choice Engrish signs though...


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