Thursday, October 19, 2006

October Holidays - End of Day 6 and Day 7 - to Xian We go!

As it was also Julie's Birthday on the 5th we had saved our Beijing (Peking) Duck experience for that night and headed for one of the most famous Beijing Duck restaurants in the city. Quanjude Restaurant off Wangfujing Street.

We ordered one of the duck banquets and enjoyed duck livers, duck web (rubbery mustard coated things) as well as some mushrooms and asparagus.

When our duck arrived a chef wheeled a trolley to our table and carved the duck for us right there. The duck was delicious and definately something to try when you're in Beijing. Anywhere else it's just not Beijing Duck!

After dinner we all went back to the hotel. Julie, Colette and I had bought tickets to see some acrobatic show. It was interesting but nothing very exciting - no pictures allowed (unless you paid for them!)

The next morning we were up nice and early (yeah thanks Julie) for our flight to Xian.

When we checked into our hotel we went up to our rooms and found the staff putting clear contact all over the walls. We never did figure out what it was for!

The first night there we walked from the hotel to the Drum Tower in the centre of Xian. We tried without much luck to find somewhere to eat which had a menu we could work out wasn't full of people (damn the holiday again!). We eventually had to resort to eating at the hotel restaurant which was overpriced and the service was really bad.


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