Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Dinner out with the girls...

Colette's assistant Anne got married and a few days after her wedding her husband and her took us all out to dinner.

Hurry Up Colette!

Winter's Coming!

I'm liking...

...custom made cashmere jumpers for less than $100 Australian!
This lady's family owns the store. She speaks very good English so it's too easy to keep ordering! Must stop soon....

Disco Buddha

...needs no explanation...

Haircut time...

This time I ended up with ORANGE hair! Oh well...

Benxi Water Cave Visit

Jerry got us up very early one morning to take us to Benxi to see the famous water cave.

Basically the water cave is an underground river. It would be very beautiful if they didn't put thousands of people into motor boats to trundle 2.5kms along the river to see things lit up with coloured lights. They even allow people to touch the rock formations!

It was too dark to get any good pictures unfortunately.

Inside the caves it stays a fairly constant temperature all year. Outside on this day was FREEZING!

Do I look fat in my winter coat? haha

It's a sign!

The internet isn't working well today. The only sites I seem to be able to access are blogger and - it's a sign that I should stop being so lazy and update my blog. I'm not even going to try and catch up on EVERYTHING but here are a few bits and pieces!

Monday, December 04, 2006


I can view my blog again. I best get busy with some updates!